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Here’s how to use Digital Hotcakes wipes in Vegas
06.01.2013, 16:36
1. Import your footage, and the FireWipe4.mov found on Digital Hotcakes Vol 5.
2. Put the FireWipe on Track 1 and your two video clips on Track 2 and Track 3. Position like image below.
NOTE: Copy all Digital Hotcakes animations from CD or DVD to your video hard drive before importing them.
3. Click on Transitions Tab. Select Iris. Drag the Circle, Out, Center preset to the end of Track 2.
4. The transition properties will come up. Move the Feather slider to the right to feather the edges of the transition.
5.  Make sure that the transition starts at the same point as the FireWipe. You can do this by hovering over the transition until  appears. Drag the edge of the transition to set its new length. See picture below.
6. Finally to have the FireWipe blend into Track 2, Set the composite mode on Track 2 to Screen.
Results should look something like this.
Категория: сони вегас уроки онлайн | Добавил: monja
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