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Главная » 2014 » Апрель » 2 » Bolide Movie Creator, 1.6 уроки обзор программы
Bolide Movie Creator, 1.6 уроки обзор программы


ide® Movie Creator



How to Create Topnotch Videos with Virtually No Efforts

Two questions: do you have a camera? We suppose you do. Then, how many uncut videos gather dust on your hard drives? We bet many. Why is this so? Not that you wouldn't want to get them in to shape, of course. But we often connect movie editing with hard times learning all the tricks and unobvious matters, so before you actually polish every piece of video on your computer you have to master some movie creating software, get the basics of the video montage and so on. This can easily take months! Is there any other way?

Skip Directly to Editing, No Theory Is Required!

Surely! Bolide Movie Creator is meant to help novice and inexperienced users to edit their movies and create high-definition AVI, DVD, MPG, MOV, MKV and WMV videos with little or no special knowledge and efforts. With it, you can edit home videos, put your family movie collection in order, cut unnecessary scenes or apply background music just as easy as if you were a true born professional!

Convenience Does Matter

While many so called professional one-hundred-dollars-and-higher movie editors put significant focus on functionality, their ease of use leaves much to be desired. An average user simply cannot work efficiently in such an application without having to rack his brains over it first. On the contrary, Bolide Movie Creator is designed with convenience and friendliness in mind. Every function is utterly intuitive and straightforward, so you don't have to spend hours on investigation or reading manuals. Just run the app and start working!

Hassle-Free HD Quality

In 2013, HD 1080p and 720p video is standard, not to mention upcoming 4K and 8K UltraHD formats. That's why it is particularly important to have video editing software to manipulate with HD video in different input formats without any intermediate conversions. Bolide Movie Creator easily edits Full-HD videos in virtually all media formats and saves the result as a high-definition movie in AVI, WMV, MKV, MP4, FLV formats. In a snap!

Exhilarating Processing Speed

Thanks to the multi-core/multi-CPU tailored engine, Bolide Movie Creator takes all the power your PC has and channels it to video processing. The more cores your computer has, the faster you'll get the result.

Versatility Ready at Your Hand

Bolide Movie Creator gives you all the power you need to edit HD videos with minimum time and effort. Cutting scenes, adding picture frames to a video, adding music, applying hundreds of visual effects and transitions, merging videos together and many more. All of these are available for as low as $39.95, plus few seconds to download the program and as much again to get into the app. Sounds like a good deal? It is! Download the free trial and unwind your creativity!

100% Trouble-Free Video Editing with Bolide® Movie Creator

Enjoy filming? Always carry a camera with you and ready to start filming any good moment? No wonder. The unheard-of booming of modern technology has done its work. Our hard drives are overloaded with videos, countless photos and other stuff. These home-made videos are often pretty chaotic and contain unnecessary scenes. In other words, they need modification and improvement. But how to do it if you’re not a techie?

(installation file for Windows XP/Vista/7/8)
Bolide Movie Creator Screen part 2

The First Video Editing Software for Non-Techies!

Yeah, most video editing software seems to be a really hard nut to crack for a non-techie. It is sure to take plenty of time and effort to learn how to use it. But it’s all changing with Bolide Movie Creator! This HD video editor is here to sort out your problems and specially designed for non-techies! Yeah! It is so easy to use that even a first-grader would cope! It offers effortless video editing and saves your time. Focus on being creative and imaginative instead of racking your brains on how to start using it.

You are sure to love Bolide Movie Creator if you:

  • enjoy filming and have loads of videos on your hard drive
  • want to impress your business partners with a stunning video product presentation
  • are a website owner and want to make a short video film about yourself and your services (A video is worth a thousand words :)
  • want to update your YouTube, Facebook or LinkedIn accounts

Blue-Chip Features for You!

Though this multilingual video editor is meant for non-professionals, even a professional would envy the amazing set of functions offered by Bolide Movie Creator.

Bolide Movie Creator Screen part 1

With the super easy-to-use Bolide Movie Creator you can:

  • Drag and drop video clips for effortless video editing
  • Easily edit files of all supported video formats (AVI, MPEG, AVI, VOB, MP4, DVD, WMV, 3GP, MOV, MKV)
  • Set the start and finish points to get an episode to be inserted into the output video file
  • Add your own text comments
  • Add separate photos to combine with video episodes
  • Add any music tracks you like
  • Choose from a wide range of visual effects and transitions
  • Choose one of the supported video formats for the output video
  • Unwind and reveal all your creativity :)
  • Feel like a real movie director

What Do You Get as a Result?

As a result of using the HD video editor Bolide Movie Creator, you get a high-quality video with great visual effects and transitions, with nice music and photos, captions and you and your friends in the lead. You can even get a full HD video and enjoy watching it on the big screen. And to do that, you don’t need any prior technical knowledge. Just go and do it! It’s easier than riding a bike! ;)



Bolide Movie Creator 1.2.1004
Bolide Movie Creator -простой в использовании HD видео редактор для Windows.

Этот редактор создан специально для людей, далеких от технологий, чтобы решить их проблемы с видео! Её настолько просто использовать, что справится даже первоклассник! Программа предлагает простой способ для редактирования видео и сохраняет ваше время. Сфокусируйтесь на креативности и своем творчестве, вместо того, чтоб “ломать мозги” над тем, как это работает.
В результате использования HD видео редактора Bolide Movie Creator, вы получите видео высокого качества с отличными визуальными эффектами и переходами при монтаже, а также музыкой, фотографиями и субтитрами. Вы также можете создать видео в формате full HD и наслаждаться просмотром на большом экране.

  • Перетаскивание видео клипов для упрощенного редактирования.
  • Простое редактирование файлов всех видео форматов (AVI, MPEG, VOB, MP4, DVD, WMV, 3GP, MOV, MKV)
  • Возможность установить отметки начала и конца эпизода для вставки в конечный видео файл.
  • Добавление собственных текстовых комментариев.
  • Добавление фотографий для совмещения с эпизодами видео.
  • Добавление любых музыкальных композиций.
  • Выбор из большого количества визуальных эффектов и переходов при монтаже.
  • Выбор любого из следующих желаемых форматов видео – AVI, MKV, WMV, FLV, MP4.
  • Возможность расслабиться и сосредоточиться на собственном творчестве.



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