Converting music from iTunes to a WAV file for editing.
If you want to use some music you got from iTunes in your fan
video, you need to convert it to an uncompressed format before using it
in Vegas. Vegas (and all other video editors) DO NOT LIKE TO EDIT
COMPRESSED MUSIC FILES. Do not try to import an MP3 (or m4a) file
directly into Vegas. It might recognize it, but you're risking quality
problems in your finished video.
This tutorial shows you how to
convert iTunes music to a format better for vidding.
In Lesson One you also learned how to rip a WAV file directly
from your CD into Vegas, so that's another way to acquire your music
for fanvid projects.
Importing music and placing it in the timeline.
You have learned how to do this in the last tutorial. Select your
music, and place it on an audio track in Vegas. If you've forgotten how
to do this,
review the info from Lesson One.
Setting up your video project in Vegas